ABRITE has been an authorized Non-Public Agency (NPA) through the California Department of Education since 2008. Since this time, ABRITE has been providing behavioral services for school districts that range from the creation of defensive classrooms, teacher training, consultations with leadership and services for individual learners (e.g., assessment and/or intervention).
Technical Support
ABRITE Behavior Interventionists (BIIs) provide one-on-one Instruction to individual students under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Our BII’s focus on building replacement behaviors as a means of decreasing undesirable behaviors that are competing with the child’s learning.
Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs)
ABRITE also has a team of board certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) to provide functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) and to supervise the implementation of behavior intervention services (BID services).
Classroom Consultations
In additional to individual student consultations, our team also provides classroom level behavioral consultation. Some specifics tasks include meetings with the Director of Special Education Services in relation to the overall program of instruction and changes in the program design. This overall service involves working with the special education directors on the creation of classrooms that are in line with the empirical research literature.
BCBA Supervision / Consultation
BCBAs are required to observe students and offer tiered intervention recommendations, such as classroom consultations or individualized behavior support plans. In special education, they build team capacity to create effective behavior plans through coaching, data collection, and function-aligned strategies.