Our Research
Autism & ABA Facts
See below for some facts on ABA:
Decisions are made based on data and data collected on all behaviors that are being targeted for change.
Behavior is anything you do or say! Behavior is not just undesirable behavior.
As a science of behavior, data collected on the behaviors to be changed (called targets) is an essential component of ABA.
ABA is effective for all types of learners and helps with many skills from sitting and attending to more advanced conversation skills and/or perspective taking skills.

ABA is a science, is data driven and does involve interventionists with advanced degrees yet your child won’t know any of these facts! It looks like fun teaching around developmentally appropriate toys!
The teaching procedures implemented with the learners are based on basic research that was conducted by famous scientists like B.F. Skinner & John Watson. These scientists studied the laws of learning and developed important conditioning procedures like Operant and Pavlovian conditioning. These procedures revolutionized the teaching of those who were not learning as quickly because they broke down learning processes for increasing understanding! Dr. Sidney Bijou was one of the first to take these procedure found in a lab and apply them to working with children and his discoveries are still cited today!
ABA is a growing field and this growth has resulted in many levels of professionals claiming to know about and provide ABA services. In order to identify a qualified professional or the professional most qualified for your child, please see our tips to identifying a good service provider below.