Brite Horizons School
The mission of Brite Horizons School is to provide students with individualized educational services to address each student’s unique strengths and deficits in a manner that allows the student to be successful daily and reach their overall full potential. Through the use of scientifically proven methods, students are provided with tools to make meaningful progress and valuable connections with others. The Brite Horizons School strives to provide each student with a supportive community and the skills necessary to successfully transition into a public school setting.
The Brite Horizons School is a nonpublic school (NPS) located in Scotts Valley, California serving grades 1 to 12. Students are provided with ongoing assessment, educational services, and behavioral intervention based on the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). The Brite Horizons School provides an individualized and comprehensive educational placement for students with a variety of specialized needs.
Brite Horizons School is a nonpublic school (NPS) that was developed by the directors of The ABRITE Organization.
Brite Horizons serves students grades 1-12 with a variety of specialized needs.
Brite Horizons is designed for students who are in need of a more restrictive placement such that the student's educational and/or behavioral goals cannot be adequately addressed and met in a public education setting.
Brite Horizons School provides students with the skills and necessary supports to return to the public school setting.
Brite Horizons serves students who qualify for special education services under a number of different categories including but not limited to autism, intellectual disability, and social-emotional disorders.
Students receive highly individualized academic instruction while receiving intervention designed to treat their behavioral needs.
Brite Horizons School model involves a concentrated focus on strengthening communication, safety, social, executive functioning, and school/community readiness skills.
Brite Horizons School has an extensive and collaborative team including certified special education teachers and behavioral support staff and offers speech therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling services.
The ABRITE Organization designed the Brite Horizons School to address growing needs voiced by Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA) teams, families, and also recognized within our own school-based consultation and support. ABRITE has worked with our local regional centers and school districts for over 13 years and has supported learners from ages 12 months-22 years in a variety of formats. ABRITE has developed and sustained classrooms and support programs to assist students ranging from tiered supports for general education students to individual and intensive support services for special education students. Most notably, ABRITE developed a collaborative and comprehensive program with Scotts Valley Unified School District (SVUSD) that served students for over 7 years using solely research-based strategies.​​